CPR Chat™
Welcome to CPR Chat™ with Dr. Keith Lurie
CPR Chat™ is a new series of short videos designed to enhance knowledge about CPR and
state-of-the-art technological advances that could improve survival from sudden cardiac arrest.
In the coming months we will have additional videos on resuscitation technologies, the physiology of CPR, the ElevatedCPR™ method, the bundle of care to address sudden cardiac arrest, and more.
Today’s CPR Chat is a short video that demonstrates the power of
the ElevatedCPR™ Bundle of Care during cardiac arrest.
We welcome your input. Let us know if you have a topic you want discussed in a future video, or if you have a great CPR Chat success story of your own. And if you want to receive new videos in the series as they are released, watch this short video and enter your email at the end to subscribe!